Thursday, December 26, 2019

Latin Verbs - Deponents

Deponent verbs are active in meaning and passive in form.This means that if you see a deponent like conor, you must translate it as an active verb; here: I try. In the dictionary, you will see the verb for to try listed as conor, -ari, -atus sum tryConor is the present passive first person singular indicative, but because the verb is deponent, it is translated as if it were active.Conari is the present passive infinitive. Because of the a. you can tell this is a first conjugation verb. Conari is translated as if it were an active infinitive: to try.The third entry in a non-deponent verb is the third principal part, which gives you the perfect active stem. If the verb were laudo, you would seeRemove the i from laud avi and you have the perfect stem. There is none in the case of conor, because in deponent verbs, the third principal part is skipped.laudo, -are, -avi, - atus praiseConatus sum is the perfect passive participle plus the first person of the verb for to be. In a non-deponent verb, this form would give you the perfect passive, but here the form gives you the perfect active: I tried. In a non-deponent verb, the sum would not be added. Except where the forms are missing, deponent verbs are con jugated just as other verbs in their conjugations. Latin Grammar Tips Latin Supine Latin Verb EndingsLatin ImperativesLatin InfinitivesLatin Verbs - Person and NumberLatin Words - Where Do You Add on Endings?Passive Periphrastic

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Neo Pir Personality Traits And Assess Normal Adult...

NEO PIR Evaluation Paper The NEO PIR is a test to identify important personality traits and assess normal adult personality. The test is centered on a five factor model or the big five, of personality. The five factor model or the five personality domains are the main test categories (Costa McCrae, 2015). The test is widely used in clinical psychology, behavioral medicine, psychiatric, vocation counseling and professional settings to assess personality. The test consists of 240 questions and takes approximately 35 minutes to complete and requires a sixth grade reading level (Costa McCrae, 2015). The NEO PIR has undergone many updates since the original publication in the 1970’s. The NEO PIR is primarily used to assed adult personality not intended to assess mental health issues. The NEO PIR is an internationally recognized and reputable standard for personality assessment. NEO PIR Scales The NEO PIR adult personality test is used to test for five primary personality factors or domains; commonly named the big five. The five primary scales or domains are neuroticism, extraversion, and openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness (Costa McCrae, 2015). The five domain are further subdivided into six part scales. The first domain is neuroticism and consists of subscales anxiety, angry hostility, depression, self-consciousness, impulsiveness, and vulnerability (Costa McCrae, 2015). The second domain is extraversion and compromised of subscales warmth,

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Sun Essay Example For Students

The Sun Essay Ryan BenderGeology Period-310/5/98Of all the stars in our galaxy we find our Sun the most important. For the sun supports life on earth and keeps the planets in a certain line.Without the sun we could not survive. History of the SunPeople have studied the stars since day one. Many cultures have studied and worshiped the sun. This was the earliest form of studying the moon. In 1611Galileo, using the telescope that he invented, discovered dark spots on the moon. Galileo blazed the way for study of the sun. His observations helped to lead the sun being viewed as an evolving body. Soon its properties and variations were understood scientifically. After Galileo the next major discovery of the sun came in 1814. A German physicist by the name of Joseph von Fraunhofer developed the spectroscope. This tool is used to beak down light in to wavelengths. Isac Newton had a mild idea of this in his day, but nothing of this accuracy or detail. The German Scientist paved the road for theoretical explanations of the star. Some of the most recent tools that have been invented to help study the sun are the coronagraph, the spectroheliograph, the magnetograph, and the spectrograph. These tools have enabled us to better understand the magnetic field of the sun and individual characteristics of the sun.Pictured above is GalileoComposition of the SunThe radiation that Earth receives from the sun is quite remarkable. The radiation that we receive varies less than 1% over a period of twenty four hours. However this less than one billionth of the radiation given off by the sun. This energy comes from deep with in the sun.The composition of the sun consists of 71percent hydrogen, 27 percent helium, and 2 percent of other heavier elements. This makes the sun, like others, very volatileAt the center of the sun we find the density of the sun to be more than 150 times that of water. For this reason the center of the sun sits at a scorching 29 million degrees Fahrenheit. At this heat hydrogen atoms are under going nuclear fusion. Nuclear Fusion forces two hydrogen molecules to bond together to make one helium nucleus. The energy that is released is called gamma radiation. Sun SpotsThe magnetic field of the suns sunspots were discovered in 1908 by an astronomer from America by the name of George E. Hale. A common sunspot on the sun has a magnetic field strength of 2500 gauss. To put this in relation the earths magnetic field can be measured at less than 1 gauss. These sunspots we tend to find in pairs throughout the sun. In these paired sunspots we find the magnetic fields opposite directions, one into the sun and one away from the sun. There is a changing cycle of the amount of sunspots that can be observed every 11 years on the sun. The phenomena of the sun spot is understood very well. One other thing we do know about these spots are that they last, on average, no more than a few months. This is a branch of astronomy that leaves much to be uncovered. Evolution of the SunThe Sun has been burning for more than4.4 billion years. During this period of time the sun grew to its present size.(It is important to remember this is virtually all speculation.) Since the sun burns mostly of hydrogen, it is believed that the sun will be able to burn for roughly 4.4 more billion years. After this is will expand to a red giant and burn for roughly a half a billion years. When it finally burns all of this helium(helium fusion will make it a red giant) it will diminish in size to a white dwarf. Then spend a few billion years cooling. Facts:Mass (kg) 1.989e+30Mass (Earth=1)332830.0Equatorial radius (km) 695000.0Equatorial radius (Earth=1)108.97Mean Density (gm/cm^3)1.41Rotational period (days)25-36Escape velocity (km/sec) 618.02Luminosity (ergs/sec) 3.827e33Magnitude (Vo)-26.8Mean surface temperature 6000.0 CAge (billion years)4.5PRINCIPAL CHEMISTRYHydrogen 92.15Helium7.8%Oxygen0.061%Carbon0.03%Nitrogen 0.0084%

Monday, December 2, 2019

Mark Wahlberg free essay sample

He was named number one of VH1’s 40 Hottest Hotties of the 90’s. Wahlberg has been in several movies, one of the most famous for him was Fear because it was the first film that he had a good roll in. Mark believes in the religion of Catholicism. He is married and has four children. He married Rhea Durham in 2009 and they are still married to this day. He has two brothers, Donnie Wahlberg and Robert Wahlberg. Mark was born in Boston, Massachusetts, U. S. on June 5, 1971. He is 41 now and still making movies. His current occupations are being an Actor and a Producer. His most recent production that will be coming out very soon is Pain and Gain. In this movie he had to go on a rigorous diet and workout a lot. If you take a look at two different images before and after the movie was made you can tell a large difference in his muscle mass. We will write a custom essay sample on Mark Wahlberg or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In this movie they corrupt a company man that happens to sell an illegal substance. They blackmail him about what he has done and get him to give them all of their money and runs of.